Thought leadership articles on ERP and business software

Thought leadership articles on ERP and business software
5 Great Questions to help Spring Clean your Business Tactics
Spring has sprung and it’s a great vantage point to assess how well we’ve done so far, giving enough time to make changes to our business tactics, that will ensure we get to where we want to go by financial year-end. I like the word ‘tactic’ because it implies action, doing, making things happen. I…
How to plan for business success this year
The saying goes that hindsight is always 20/20. It follows then that the best way to make better decisions this year and plan for business success, is to look at last year and grow from there. I can’t stress enough how important it is to understand – with absolute clarity – the successes and challenges…
Leadership Style: What Leader Will You Be Part 2
So we know what leadership is not. To be honest, there are probably as many leadership styles as there are personalities. Add to that the fact that each business has its own culture and approach to doing business. Below is list of leadership trends is by no means finite. It is, however, a useful list…
How to give a fair and accurate staff bonus
Do you get a stress headache every December when it’s staff bonus season? Here are a few tips on how to give a fair and accurate staff bonus this month. It’s that time of year again – the one time in the year where business owners find themselves perplexed and employees are joyful. It’s annual…
How to successfully transition from Startup to SME
The South African climate has long been fertile ground for startup ventures and entrepreneurs. With incubators and accelerators for almost every industry, funders constantly in search of viable businesses to invest in, and the government doing their bit, South Africans are no strangers to startups. So why is that, according to, even with all the incubators…
Survive the pre-Christmas madness
In just a few weeks, South Africans will tuck into turkey dinners, wear paper hats and probably blow their budgets. Yes, Christmas is around the corner – and with it, lucrative trading opportunities. With the pre-Christmas rush in full swing for retailers and manufacturers, there is probably one thing that keeps business owners awake at…
Business Accounting Simplified
Like you, I’m not an accountant, I’m a business owner. Accounting scared me spitless if I’m perfectly honest. I know my business, and I’m good at it. I needed to find a way to make business accounting simplified. I used to think it was a better idea to farm out my accounting to my expensive…
3 Guaranteed Ways to Run a Leaner, Meaner SME this Winter
It’s not a new thought that the best way to ensure a healthy bottom line is to either increase income or reduce expenses. Heinrich takes you through 3 compelling points that show you how to run a leaner, meaner SME this winter. As business owners, we all want the same things: healthier profit margins, to…
Five things management must consider for ERP implementation
By ERP Focus. So, you’re ready to start your ERP implementation or upgrade your existing solution. But have you planned for how you’ll manage solution requirements to ensure a successful project? Without a strategic approach to requirements management, most organizations will struggle with meeting the needs of its stakeholders; resulting in organizational disruption, delays, and…
Cloud ERP vs on-premise ERP: an objective comparison
by ERP Focus. Which method of accessing your ERP is best? The answer…it depends. Here are several key areas to consider when deciding between cloud ERP vs on-premise ERP deployment for your software. Servers Cloud ERP systems are deployed on servers managed by your ERP provider. You rent space for your data and the provider keeps…
The Four Phases of Successful ERP System Implementation
Here are the phases that your Business Agent will take your company through as they implement BOS in your business. The successful implementation of your ERP system will be done in four phases. This overall plan will ensure the agent communicates early, regularly, and effectively with users and stakeholders to ensure the successful adoption of the integrated ERP…
Why SMEs are implementing ERP solutions, how to do it yourself.
While Business Operating Systems (BOS) – or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems as they used to be called – were once viewed as a business solution for large corporations, but research shows that SMEs are thinking differently about ERP. A properly implemented ERP or BOS strategy allows SMEs to run as the smaller company they are, while…
What Should I Do if My Business Has Outgrown Me?
By Heinrich van der Vyver – As seen in Entrepreneur Magazine. If you’re reading this and thinking, “Yes, I’m there right now!” then, first of all, congratulations. Your business is thriving and in this economy that is a testament to your vision, your drive, and your team. Well done. Business growth is a good problem to…
Clean Up Your Business and Improve Potential Profit in 2020
As a business owner of a software company in South Africa for over 20 years, I know what it’s like to hit a brick wall. That ‘S-curve’ graph that tracks your business growth, starting at the initial growth spurt, then levelling out, and then the big slump where you’re not sure if you’re going to…
Using ERP for 20/20 Business Vision for 2020
As the year comes to a close, every organisation and business leader would give anything to have clarity and insight into the year ahead. Knowing what decisions to make, what products to maximise and which to halt, who to promote and who to let go, what gaps to fill, and where to focus. That kind…
Understanding Industry 4.0 and ERP in the Manufacturing Industry
Like it or not, we’re in the middle of a massive transformation regarding the way we make things, thanks to the digitisation and automation of manufacturing we’ve come to know as Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 represents the fourth revolution of manufacturing: the adoption of computers and automation, enhanced with smart and autonomous systems and fueled…
The Benefits and Burdens of Industry 4.0 and ERP for Manufacturing
When it comes to Industry 4.0 and manufacturing, enterprise resource planning (ERP) is well-positioned to streamline the successful implementation and adoption of these new technologies. Manufacturers who are forward-thinking and who don’t want to be left in the dust of progress, understand the need to harness the potential of ERP in order to better utilise the benefits of…
How ERP Benefits Industry 4.0 in the Manufacturing Industry
The influx of new technology in the workplace is transforming the way we work; automation, digitisation, machine learning and artificial intelligence all promise greater benefits to organisations. This is called Industry 4.0. But while business leaders are trying to keep up with the flood of new technologies, there is one application that has been a…
Business survival tips for Covid-19 and Eskom
The financial effects of Eskom’s unrelenting rolling blackouts, combined with the knock that Covid-19 has brought to the global economy, have left South African businesses reeling. Running a business for over 20 years in South African means that we’ve seen the impact that recessions and economic downturns bring to SMEs, corporates, and households alike. What we’ve seen…
Why Modern ERP is the Right Fit for Engineering Companies
In recent decades, software has become ubiquitous. Almost all engineering firms – be they in the business, military, mining, or transportation sectors – rely significantly on software systems like modern ERP. However, most of these firms are still operating out of one of two possible software strategies that are ill-equipped to deal with the rising…